El flujo de caja es el resultado de las entradas y salidas de efectivo que ocurren en una empresa en un periodo de tiempo determinado, como por ejemplo, una semana, un mes o un año. Se dice que una empresa tiene un flujo de caja positivo cuando las entradas a caja son mayores que las salidas. Las entradas a caja pueden provenir por ejemplo

Since there is no such thing as perfect, we as humans have an innate desire to get as close as possible to perfection and do try to do the best in everything. Business scholars research and develop schematics and methodologies, with which would coin terms with the hopes that they will be used in meeting rooms all across the world. Over time, some of

Antonio is an entrepreneur who is working on introducing a new gym in the Boca Raton market. He is aiming this gym to an older population taking advantage of the expected growth of this population in the U.S.A. Antonio will need some capital for this. Rita is a partner of a successful export company that sends heavy machinery to Latin America for construction, and