What to do before establishing a business in the US, and how to achieve a “perfect landing”?

Since there is no such thing as perfect, we as humans have an innate desire to get as close as possible to perfection and do try to do the best in everything. Business scholars research and develop schematics and methodologies, with which would coin terms with the hopes that they will be used in meeting rooms all across the world. Over time, some of these terms will be substituted or even forgotten, while others might end up as a permanent part of the business jargon.

In the development and creation of new management techniques, there’s no other country that rivals American academia. This is due to, in my understanding, the fact that the US is the epicenter of the world economy. The US currently holds the title of the biggest and most competitive economy in the world and we need to treat it as such. The level of commercial complexity and its competitive dynamics, the entrepreneur needs to be at the forefront of any techniques, managerial methodologies, or business analyses being developed. This is true for any multinational corporation, many of which were originated in the US; it is also very true for smaller companies.

For the Hispanic entrepreneur that comes to this country to establish a business, the experience acquired in their native countries isn’t enough; it will only take us so far. Beyond this point, continuing alone is similar to landing a plane without a pilot, a lot of luck is required to finish the task at hand without stumbling. For such a task, beginning a business and investing a good portion of our capital into such endeavor, we have to beef up our toolbox with tools such as a very sound common sense, lots of information and the best professional help we can get.

Establishing a business in the US, or anywhere else, touches several aspects. We think of commercial and fiscal legislation as parts of it, the different regulations that apply to us, the culture and protocols of local businesses, the tastes and preferences of such a diverse consumer base as we might encounter, just to count a few. Our experience and knowledge might cover some of these topics, but all of them are critical. Thus, it is important to search for the best professional help so our business endeavors in the US have an “excellent landing.”