In the time I have been working as a business consultant, this is one of the most frequent questions I get. Other variations of this question are: What’s the most profitable business right now? What can you tell me about [fill in the blank] business? The most common businesses I get asked about are gas stations, laundromats, bakeries, restaurants, or cafeterias. None of these
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Buying a Business in the USA Once you’ve decided that the U.S. is where you want to go, and that becoming a business owner is what you want to do, you have probably already considered the factors that textbooks tell us becoming an international businessperson (and yes, this is an international business): the state of the
Buying a Business in the U.S.A: a huge step for immigrants There are multiple reasons as to why we choose to buy a business. Amongst them might be leaving the corporate world, being your own boss, utilizing your skills to the fullest of your abilities, to provide a better life to your family, or as a step for a visa application to stablish yourself